Wednesday, 16 May 2012

More works on KANT

There were four features that became distinguished from Kant's ideas on Aesthetrics.
- The disinterestedness, for example "pleasure because it is beautiful, not beautiful because its pleasurable".
- Universal
- Necessity
- and lastly 'Purposefulness without purpose"

Kant analysed the experience of 'beauty' so that he could question how judgments about beauty are possible. With these four features that he distinguished, he calls them 'moments' to be able to explain further.

Moment 1 :
This is the Aesthetic experience which is disinterested. Kant has said that judgments result in pleasure rather than pleasure resulting in judgment.

Moment 2:
Aesthetic judgments are those that behave universally. Kant discovered it would be more plausible if it had disagreements rather than coincident agreements.

Moment 3:
Purpose and purposefulness, also know as end and finality.
To judge something as 'beautiful' it has to be known as purposefulness but without having any definite purpose.
Kant described beauty as pleasurable since pleasure is defined as a feeling

Moment 4:
'Necessary' = 'According to principle'
He questioned the final moment as the overall necessity to judge. Why judge? and what does these judgments say about the people who judged?

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